
Kashmir: #UrduPoeatry

Bronze Spikes Asia

Phonetically, the language of Urdu is regarded as "saccharine" sounding. A mix of Arabic, Persian and Hindi notes give it a dulcet, melodic and honeyed tone - for centuries, poetry in the Indian subcontinent has been written in Urdu for this very reason. Even the script form of Urdu is Arabic-based, using beautiful, flowy calligraphic styles. Our idea was to revive the beauty of Urdu by making it wanted again through something that’s just as old and sweet as the language but is still considered cool: Jalebi. Jalebi is a popular 10th century South Asian dessert made of dough and sugar, and fried in vegetable oils. The sugary treat is made by hand-drawing soft spirals in heated oil which then cools down into a rigid structure. It was the perfect opportunity to merge it with Urdu calligraphy.

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